Thursday 16 August 2012

Another week, another re-feed :D

Coach has been happy with my progress so far, so I was allowed another re-feed meal this week! (Check out last week's here)

This time it was a pasta dish - and lthough it was the wholemeal variety, it was DELICIOUSSSSS :)  

This bowl of awesome was full of pasta (duh!) chicken, brocoli, avocado, tomato chunks, tomato puree, onion, garlic, fresh basil & herbs NOM! 

The only downside of the meal was that it was only allowed to be consumed after my low-reps heavy-weights leg session - I can already feel the soreness in my legs so this afternoon is gonna be a fun time as the DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) sets in :P

Whatever happens, it was sooo worth it! :)

Oh, for those of you counting (me) there is only 37 days til the comp!!! And THAT means only 35 days til I see my favourite sister Miss Andie <3

Stay Fabulous xx


  1. WOO HOO! x4

    (For the progress you've made; the pasta you got to eat; the number of days til Comp; aaaaand because it's not long til i get to see you again!)

  2. Thanks babe!!! Cannot wait to see your faccccce! <3
