Thursday, 30 August 2012

Another epic re-feed meal

I was allowed another re-feed meal last night. It was the FULL FAT natural yoghurt, fruit & honey combo again, same as last week. 

After having such a restricted diet, I had almost forgotten how much I loooooove fruit!! 

This totally made my week! 

After my wheat re-feeds, I was experiencing stomach pains, bloating and general uncomfortableness. But after my fruit & yoghurt deliciousness, I felt full, but didn't experience any other yucky side effects, which is nice!! 

Back into clean eating again now! I have a training session and a posing session with my coach tomorrow, I am nervous & excited!! Hopefully I make it through!

Is your diet on track? Let me know :) 

Stay Fabulous! xx

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

HIIT Cardio - It's a love hate relationship

One of the things my trainer has incorporated into my training is HIIT Cardio (High Intensity Interval Training) 

I'm not gonna lie - it would probably be my most despised activity of the week... BUT it does produce the best trade-off in terms of time spent working out versus results!! 

HIIT involves short bursts of intense anaerobic activity, followed by a rest/recovery period. 
Most HIIT sessions last for between 9-20 minutes - given the high intensity, the sessions can't last for too long, which makes it a quick workout choice to fit into your program. 

Wikipedia tells me that the benefits of HIIT are improved athletic capacity & condition, improved glucose metabolism and improved fat burning. Another benefit of HIIT is that it can be done inside or outside, on a treadmill, elliptical, rower, bicycle etc (which is great news for people with running injuries!) Unlike steady state cardio (ie walking for an hour) your body continues to burn fat after your HIIT session, which is yet another bonus! 

Here is a typical shot of what I look like after my HIIT sessions - not pretty but getting rid of the fat is priority number uno! Mmmm sweaty :P 

Anyway, if you give it a go, let me know how you find it! 

Stay fabulous xx

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Happy Hump Day

Today I present to you "Alex Pettyfer"

Happy Hump Day Internet 

Stay fabulous xx

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Happy Hunk Day

Happy Hump Day internet!! 

Here is some delish eye candy to help see you through to the end of the week!! 

Hellooooooo Captain America!! <3

Stay Fabulous xx

Sunday, 19 August 2012

Motivation Monday

Hi internet :) 

Just a little Monday Motivation 

So let's get sweaty!! 

I had my weekly weigh-in this morning. Down another 800g. Can't believe my body is responding so well to this training & clean eating!! Just a massive credit to my amazingly incredible Coach!!! :D And for the record, let's be honest, I'm not just sitting on my butt - I am working haaaard! :P
Might post some pics later. Might not.. 

Stay fabulous! xx

Thursday, 16 August 2012

Another week, another re-feed :D

Coach has been happy with my progress so far, so I was allowed another re-feed meal this week! (Check out last week's here)

This time it was a pasta dish - and lthough it was the wholemeal variety, it was DELICIOUSSSSS :)  

This bowl of awesome was full of pasta (duh!) chicken, brocoli, avocado, tomato chunks, tomato puree, onion, garlic, fresh basil & herbs NOM! 

The only downside of the meal was that it was only allowed to be consumed after my low-reps heavy-weights leg session - I can already feel the soreness in my legs so this afternoon is gonna be a fun time as the DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) sets in :P

Whatever happens, it was sooo worth it! :)

Oh, for those of you counting (me) there is only 37 days til the comp!!! And THAT means only 35 days til I see my favourite sister Miss Andie <3

Stay Fabulous xx

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Happy Hunk... I Mean Hump Day :)

I haven't even seen Magic Mike yet and I am swooning over this guy!!! 

Get me to the movies STAT! :P

Stay Fabulous xx

Monday, 13 August 2012

Progress so far

Just thought I'd throw up a comparison of my body - before starting my clean eating journey, and now (just over 6 weeks til comp!) 

Just gotta keep training & eating clean and IT WILL HAPPEN!!! :D

Also, weighed in yesterday, with a 600g loss this week. Coach was happy so I was happy! Got a new weights program (its a doozey!) and have varied cardio slightly for the week, so looking forward to some big results this week!!! 40 days to go! 

Aaaand I get a re-feed meal this week as well! Pasta here I come!! Promise to post pics 

Stay Fabulous xx

Sunday, 12 August 2012


Meet Henrietta - the newest addition to my kitchen

Henrietta has changed my life. No longer must I conform to cooking boiled eggs on the stove-top. I am now free to make perfect soft boiled, or hard boiled eggs in the microwave! 

See Exhibit A: 

When you are eating 1 of these babies every day, being able to cook 3 at a time & therefore aiding my food preparations (as they say "failing to plan is preparing to fail"), at the press of a button, puts a smile on my face. 

Happy Monday!! 


Thursday, 9 August 2012

New goodies

I placed my order from iHerb around a week or so ago, and have been awaiting its arrival in the post with baited breath!! 

Well it finally arrived today!!!! :D 

I got Chocolate, Vanilla & Hazelnut liquid stevia drops, organic strawberry tea, organic mango green tea, chromuim tablets (these will help with sugar cravings) and multivitamins. 

The stevia drops are fantastic - they are a natural sweetener, with no calories!!! You can put them in tea, coffee, protein shakes, baking, water, anything really!! There were heaps more flavours on the site too! 

Just sipping on the mango green tea now & loving it!!! :)

Shipping over to Aus was only $6, so hop over to the website & get your orders in!! 

Re-Feed Meal

My Coach allowed me a re-feed meal earlier this week (gosh was it only this week, feels like a decade ago lol)

Re-feed meals are important for guys & gals like me on strict body-building diets as they help regulate the amount of Leptin in our bodies. Without getting too scientific, leptin plays a significant role in regulating both hunger, food intake and energy expenditure. As leptin levels fall, the greater your cravings become for all those wonderful foods that you used to eat when you weren't dieting.There are some other benefits, but for the basis of this post, that will suffice :)  

SO I was allowed to have a lean beef pattie, 2 slices of wholemeal bread, 1 Tsp tomato sauce & as much different salads as I could fit on my plate!!! 

Here it is in all it's glory:

Let me tell you I was like a kid in a candy store lol. I ate the whole can of beetroot & omg it was gooodddddd! 

Absolutely delicious!!!  Despite it being a relatively clean meal, I did feel some tummy pains afterwards, which surprised me. 

The meal definitely helped pick up my spirits, and has motivated me even more!!! 

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Hump Day Change

I think I might change Hump Day pics to something more along the lines of this: 

What do you think??? :D

It's Hump Dayyyyy

And in the spirit of Happy Hump Day, being a Wednesday and all - may I present to you: 

I'm Baaaaack :)

Hi internet, sorry for the little vacation I seem to have had!! 

I have been a busy little bee since I last blogged though - most of my time is taken up with... Preparation for my first Fitness Model competition!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Eeeeekkkkkkkkkkkkkk! 

Almost at the end of my 12 week challenge, I decided to set myself another goal - to compete. So here I am, 5 weeks into prep and I'm doing great! I had a lapse a few weeks ago, wasn't seeing any results & just wanted to give up. But my super amazing Coach has been super amazing, and I have come out all guns blazing!! :) 

One not-so-positive thing that I can comment on right now is that I have turned into a bit of a grumpy, cranky, snappy bitch :( Husband is a bit like um WTF - what have you done with my wife lol

So I thought maybe I should bake him this cake?

It seems quite fitting! 

anyhoo, I will try to be a bit more regular here, and tomorrow will post the pic of the delish re-feed meal I had last night omgggg! :P

Stay fabulous x