Wednesday 9 May 2012

Update :: 12 Week Challenge

Hi Internet, sorry I have been a bit sporadic in my posting!! 

You remember 4 weeks ago that I promised to give my all in the 12 Week Challenge - well it is officially 1/3 way through, and I have left behind 2.6kg and 21cm!!!! Super duper stoked with my results so far! 

Evidence Exhibit A: 

And it's not only the scales & the measurements that are putting a smile on my face, [cue Coldplay] I actually feel better, from the inside out! I said to my trainer, I just feel like a brand new person, that I was trapped inside a stranger's body, and now I have broken free & feel back to my fit, bubbly, vibrant, outgoing & motivated self :D

Here's a sample of the delish food I have been eating - I have been experimenting with ways to cook my chicken, this is some that I baked in the oven with great success: 

And if you need more motivation, check out this super fit chick, who had a massively amazing transformation! Kelsey speaks of her journey on with detailed diet & training advice. 

[Source] and [Source]

Hope you all have a super fabulous day! xx


  1. Love the improvement....your waist is noticeably smaller, you more curves. GOOD WORK!!!!

  2. the visible change in just 4 weeks is incredible. super impressed by you right now. xx

  3. Thanks Ladies <3 you don't realize how much your words & support mean to me xx
