Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Happy Hunk Day!

Since watching End of Watch (which by the way, if you haven't seen it, please do, it's an amazing film!) I have had a slightly raised interest in Jake Gyllenhaal.... Ok a very significant raised interest in him :P

Happy Hunk Day!

Stay Fabulous xx

Image Credits: 123

Monday, 28 January 2013

Monday Motivation

Here's my Monday Motivation this week. 

Let me introduce Amanda Latona. I heart this woman and her physique so much!! Have tried a few of her YouTube workouts and loved them too! 

Ugh!! LOOK at those glutes!! Amaze-balls!!!

Sources: 123

Saturday, 26 January 2013

Hiatus... and 2013

Hi internet. 

Sorry for the hiatus. Since blogging, I competed in my first INBA competition, had a photoshoot with the super amazing Emily Skye, moved from ACT to QLD, and put back on a whooooole chunk of weight that I slavvvvved to get rid of last year :( 

I thought I'd share some of the pics from my competition & my shoot in an effort to remind myself what I am capable of. 

I feel so ashamed & angry with myself for gaining back the weight. I made some wrong choices over the past few months, and I am determined to compete again in the QLD titles in May 2013, and I WILL KEEP THE WEIGHT OFF. I bring in a leaner, more muscley physique this year, and I will learn from my mistakes, and make the right choices after the competition is over & maintain my healthy lifestyle :) 

Ok so the pics - I am in the green bikini :)

Here's a glorious before & after shot
For anyone wanting to make a change to your life (your goal doesn't need to be to compete!) check out Amanda's Lifestyle Program. This program gets results!! She doesn't tell you anything magical about losing weight, she won't sell you diet pills, she just tells you how to shift the weight the old fashioned way - eat right & excersise! The program outlines proper nutrition, portion control, includes recipes and lifetime access to the forums - Check it out! 

For anyone wanting to make a change to your life (your goal doesn't need to be to compete!) check out Amanda's Lifestyle Program. This program gets results!! She doesn't tell you anything magical about losing weight, she won't sell you diet pills, she just tells you how to shift the weight the old fashioned way - eat right & excersise! The program outlines proper nutrition, portion control, includes recipes and lifetime access to the forums - Check it out! 

And here's some pics from my shoot with Emily

So what's happening in 2013 you ask?? 

My wonderful trainer & mentor from last year Amanda (check out her brand new website www.dailydosefitness.com.au) is competing herself this year so I couldn't work with her again. I have chosen Evan from Evan Godbee's Muscle Academy to be my coach this year. I am just about to start a pre-season with him for 1 month, then will be into another 12 week prep ready for stepping on stage on Sunday 26 May :) 

I am interested to see how this prep will be similar/different from last year's. I am hoping to follow more of a IIFYM (if it fits your macros) approach, meaning that my diet won't consist of chicken, broccoli & brown rice haha :P so that I can incorporate my eating with hubby's a bit more, as we lead very separate lives last time which I didn't love. 

Also, have some exciting news on the horizon regarding possible sponsorship?? So will see how that goes!! 

I will try to post more of my workouts, recipes, hints & tips this year, so you can follow my journey & even try out some of the things I do :) 

So let's embrace 2013 and all it has to offer!!!