In my first post, I mentioned that something exciting was in the pipelines - well it's all coming to fruition - I am going to be embarking on a 12-week program, and on my team of support is none other than Amanda from
Me vs the Bulge!!!
I am not super comfortable with sharing this with everyone, but sharing is caring. During my 20's I was able to maintain a comfortable weight of 67kgs, with what I remember as very miminal effort. I ran around 4kms a few times per week, didn't do any weights, and situps, pushups, lunges and squats were nowhere to be seen!! I was also able to eat relatively whatever I wanted! Oh to be young and carefree again!!
Then the years rolled by, and I became closer to the big 3-0 and my metabolism decided that it would start slowing down, after all the hard work it had done for me over the years. I joined a gym in an effort to turn back the clock, and to move the kilo or 2 that I'd put on, but wasn't very serious with my training. Then I decided to become a Full-On-Geek, playing an online game World of Warcraft (cringe!!!) and with that new addiction came even less physical activity, and more late night snacking on Twisties... Not a very good combination!!
I have tried so many times to start one new diet after another, with words like "tomorrow I'm gonna start again" and "I'll just enjoy this weekend then start next week". Well enough is enough!!! I am tired of feeling bloated, sluggish, tired, jiggly, unattractive, and I'm tired of starting over and over again!!!
So, I am announcing to the interwebz that I am doing this 12 week challenge, with a goal of 67kg as my final weigh-in. In addition to the number on the scales, I want to feel fit, strong, healthy, and to have more energy for all my other loves in my life!
I am not in delusional-land, as I know this won't be easy. Not even a little bit. But if I want it bad enough (which I do), then I can & will do this. I know Amanda and the rest of Team Bree's Support will be there cheering me from the sidelines, and when times get tough, I just need to remember this motivation I feel right now, and focus on the goal at the end of the tunnel.
I will keep you updated along the way, with my trials and tribulations, so stay tuned.
And because a bloggity post is always better with another picture, check out Amanda's transformation:
taken from
here and find more from Amanda
Stay fabulous x